St Onge IP Obtains Injunction To Protect Client’s Trademark Rights
April 13, 2023 by SSJR in Trademarks
St Onge IP Attorneys have obtained an injunction to protect the trademark rights of longtime client, Mr Shower Door Inc. The injunction prevents use of the incontestable trademark MR SHOWER DOOR and any confusingly similar variants thereof. The injunction applies to a number of Texas based parties, including the individual manager of the entities. While the lawsuit was originally filed in the Eastern District of Texas, following St. Onge IP’s successful transfer to Connecticut, claims for piercing the corporate veil and unlawful transfers of business assets were added to the action. These claims brought the individual manager of the Texas companies along with the successor companies into the lawsuit in Connecticut so that closing of the original infringing company did not absolve those other parties of liability as successor organizations. A copy of the injunction can be found here.