SSJR Going Green!
For the past two years, SSJR has worked diligently to reduce its power usage by as much as 86,856 kWH per year by replacing existing lighting fixtures throughout its offices with new, high-efficiency fixtures. This was accomplished by working with Connecticut Light and Power to assess how SSJR could modify its offices in Stamford, CT to lower operating costs, provide a better work place environment for its employees and reduce its carbon footprint.
The power reduction alone will save SSJR at least $150,000 over the first ten years. In addition, SSJR will lower its carbon footprint by eliminating the following emissions each year: 130,284 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2), 72 pounds of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and 31 pounds of nitrogen oxide (NOX). All this equates to the planting of 25 acres of trees annually.
SSJR will continue to be a responsible corporate neighbor in Stamford, CT by looking for ways to reduce its carbon footprint and implement green technologies as they become available.